If you’re new to pickleball, you may be wondering how to keep score. Pickleball scoring is easy and once you understand the basics, you’ll keep track of all the action with ease! Because pickleball can be played as an individual or on teams we will cover how to keep score in pickleball for both singles and doubles.
Pickleball Scoring Basics
- Scores are announced before each serve.
- Only the team serving can win a point.
- Serving is always done across court starting on the right side.
- Serving team switches sides after they win a point.
- Traditional Games are played to 11 points, you must win by 2.
- Tournament games may be to 15 or 21 depending on the tournament format.
Double PickelBall Scoring
Before each volley sequence begins the player serving will announce the score. The score sequence follows this order where the first number is the serving teams score, the second number is the receiving teams score and the third number is the sever number. The server number will be either a 1 or 2.
Score Announcement Example:
5 = The serving teams Score
4 = The Receiving Teams Score
2 = The second player on the team is serving.
All doubles pickleball matches will start out with 0-0-2 meaning the second server is starting the game.

Singles PickelBall Scoring
Just like in a double match before each volley sequence begins the player serving will announce the score. The score sequence is announced where the first number is the serving teams score and the second number is the receiving teams score.
Score Announcement Example:
3 = The serving teams Score
5 = The Receiving Teams Score
Scoring a Point in Pickleball
Points in pickleball are awarded when a team successfully returns the ball to the opposing team’s court and the opposing team is unable to return the ball. Points can also be awarded when one of the team faults such as stepping in the kitchen. The scoring system is simple and similar to other racquet sports, such as tennis. A team earns one point for each rally won, and the first team to reach 11 points with a two-point lead is declared the winner.
Full List of Pickleball Faults
- A fault by the receiving team results in a point for the serving team.
- A fault by the serving team results in the server’s loss of serve or side out.
- A fault occurs when:
- A serve does not land in the box of the receiving player.
- The ball is hit into the net on the serve or any return
- The ball is volleyed before a bounce has occurred on each side
- The ball is hit or served out of bounds
- A ball is volleyed from the non-volley zone
- A player steps into the kitchen with out the ball landing in their first
- A ball bounces twice before being struck by the receiver
- A player, player’s clothing, or any part of a player’s paddle touches the net or the net post when the ball is in play
- There is a violation of a service rule (Read all Service Rules)
- A ball in play strikes a player or anything the player is wearing or carrying
- A ball in play strikes any permanent object before bouncing on the court